We service EVERYONE on Main Street and all the lovely surrounding locales. We are Main Street’s non affiliated, nondenominational chaplaincy in which everyone in the community is served regardless of their affiliation or non affiliation with any spiritual/secular customs, traditions, and rituals.
We work with you in customizing your ceremonies
to include the customs, traditions, and rituals you’d like.
Ceremonies may be performed on site or at the destination of your choice
Video options are available for all ceremonies
At our initial meeting, we will customize your ceremony to your personal desires. All pricing will be coordinated at that time since life event services are customized to each event.
Wedding Services
Performed on site in our intimate sanctuary/chapel, your backyard, or the venue of your choice.
Weddings are legally binding and a marriage license is required. I will direct you in how to obtain the necessary documents needed for your monumental life experience.
Wedding Vow Renewals
Performed on site in our intimate sanctuary/chapel, your backyard,
or one of the many beautiful venues that our lovely county offers.
Symbolic Commitment Ceremony
This is a Spiritual partnership ceremony that is not based in legalities.
This is offered for couples who wish to commit their lives to each other but wish to disregard any
legal entanglements and simply wish to live together as life partners.
Blended Life Ceremony
Many blended families use a unity ritual to symbolize the coming together of their family unit and to
show that they have become one and are no longer separate.
Baby Naming/Presentation/Debut
Funeral/Memorial Services
Memorial services held on-site or at a destination of your choosing. Memorial/Celebration of Life Services may be performed when the family deems appropriate. A family may wait months or even years after a loved one has passed to have a Celebration of Life event. Due to the 2019-2020 global pandemic, many family members and friends were not able to gather. Healing and meaningful rituals and traditions can now be performed to assist in the transformation of grief and sorrow
into the fullness of love and appreciation.
Pet/Fur Baby Ceremonies
Pets are as much a part of our lives and family unit as the humans with which we share our lives, homes, hearts, and joys. We provide Pet Blessings, Namings, Funerals and Memorials.
Chaplain’s Tea
We provide a meeting space where community service is discussed and volunteer opportunities are developed. I have personally met innumerable individuals who often express interest in doing some type of volunteer/community work but do not know where to begin and what to do. Let's join together and serve our beautiful community.
The Esoteric Study Group
For those in the community who love all things Esoteric, we’ve created a study group where we can meet and discuss topics of deep, personal introspection.